Book Review ~ Stygian’s Honor by Lora Leigh


Title ~Stygian’s Honor

Author ~ Lora Leigh

Series~ The Breeds

Book # ~27

Format ~Paperback

Rating ~5


Short Recap ~ Window Rock, Arizona, is the last known location of Honor Roberts, who vanished when she was just thirteen. It was her only sanctuary from the Breed research that would surely have ended in her death—one such insidious experiment should, indeed, have killed her. That she lived is both a miracle—and a great mystery.

Stygian’s mission is to find Honor Roberts, no matter the cost. Now, with the help of Liza Johnson, assistant to the chief of the Navajo Nation, he is closer than ever to his goal. But will the discovery of Honor Roberts mean the destruction of the mating heat that has developed between Stygian and Liza?

(recap courtesy of



As a newcomer to the Breeds novels, I have played some catch-up as far as the intricate plot that Lora Leigh has been weaving for years.  Stygian is as tough as any wolf Breed, he also knows that the woman who he just saved drives him crazy with a primal desire; Lora Leigh takes her readers on a journey for hope, love, desire, passion, danger, sadness and secrets.


“Stygian’s Honor” was a novel that when I had 20 pages left and it was close to midnight, I felt compelled to finish reading, despite the late hour. Having read the previous few novels, I saw some of what happened coming, the way that Lisa and Stygian fight not only each other and in some ways, mating heat had me routing for ‘mating heat’ instead of them; when they did give into the primal desires that coursed through them, it was explosive.


Throw in a good dose of Jonas (love him or hate him, he has his good points), the Navajo Elders, a few unexpected twists and secrets, this novel was one that I wished was longer or that I did not have to wait to read the next one. This is a stand alone novel, yet I found I got more out of it, having read a few previous novels than if I had read it on its own. With a series this long, I suggest readers at least read one or two novels before this so you can understand certain urgencies (baby Amber) and a few ‘quirks’ of some of the other Breeds (example – Jonas & Cassie).