Author Interview ~ J.S. Marlo

Good Morning my dear readers. Today I am proud to introduce you to J.S. Marlo; her first novel (book review was posted yesterday) “Unscripted” introduced me to this wonderful author and lady. Over the last few months she and I have gotten to know each other a bit and I was excited when she agreed to let me interview her for my blog. After reading her interview answers, I now know that J.S. I would quite the pair if we went to Starbucks together, I could order for her with ease. I hope you enjoy our interview as much as I had reading it.

Please tell me about your first novel. What or who inspired you to write it?

The first novel I published with Breathless Press is titled “Unscripted: Duty bound Book One”, but the first novel I ever wrote is “Salvaged”.

“Salvaged” is the story of a young female scuba diver who investigates underwater wrecks for a living. Her life changes when she’s hired by a handsome captain to explore a Model T sunk in the middle of a lake.

My daughter is a scuba diver. When she’s not doing research, she likes to explore shipwrecks. Her many underwater tales unleashed my imagination and inspired me to write Salvaged. Little did she know I would call her at weird times to inquire about lake depth, oxygen intake, or belt weight. One day, she unpacked her diving gear on her living floor, told me to put the vest on, and proceeded to explain how every piece of equipment worked. To thank her for her technical assistance, I gave her a cameo appearance in the book, which will be released on August 3, 2012.

What has been the toughest criticism given to you as an author? What was the biggest complement? Did those change how or what you did in your next novel?

My readers have always been incredibly supportive. The biggest complement I received started like “I hate you this morning. This is all your fault…”

The dear woman had a day job for which she had to get up at 6am. To relax, she’d picked up my book the previous evening and started reading. She went on in her note telling me she didn’t finish it until 2am, and that she was dead tired at work because she just couldn’t put my book down until the end. She was such a sweetheart.

My toughest criticisms came from a former editor (as you can see, there’s a “s” at the end of criticism LOL). I can’t remember exactly the details, just that my editor was brutally honest and showed no mercy. We sure had some interesting discussions, but in the end I followed her advises, and she made me a better writer.

This or That – Chocolate or Vanilla?? Coffee or Tea?? TV or Movies??

Chocolate is my downfall. I’d do “almost” anything for chocolate LOL

I don’t drink coffee or tea, but once in a while, I’ll enjoy an iced tea on a hot summer day.

And I equally like television series and movies, though I prefer to watch them at home cuddled in front of the television with hubby than to go out to a movie theater.

When you sit down to write, are you at a computer or do you do it, the ‘old fashioned’ way with pen and paper? Do you prefer one way or another?

Definitely computer. I make too many mistakes. If I were to use a pen and paper, I’d make a mess of my draft in no time.

What do you do in your down time? Do you pick up something from your ‘to be read’ stack?

I read, I knit, I exercise, and I bake… which is why I need to exercise.

If your protagonist was a real person, what would they think about you? Would they want to hang out with you?

I doubt my protagonists would find me as fascinating as I find them, but I sure would love to meet them and see them interact with others.

What do you look for in a book when you sit down to read for fun?

Fast-paced action, suspense, romance… and a happy ending.

When you go to Starbucks or Jamba Juice, what do you order? Do they know you by name or drink?

Starbucks: Hot chocolate with whipped cream, chocolate syrup and chocolate powder on top. Unfortunately, I don’t go often enough for them to know me.

What has been your favorite part of being an author? What has been your least favorite?

My favourite part is to see my characters come to life in front of my eyes, and to see them touch someone else’s heart.

My least favourite part is probably to have to deal with the marketing aspect of the books. Some people can sell ice cream at the North Pole. Me, I can’t sell a popsicle on a hot summer day.

When you walk into a book store, where do you head first?

The e-reader section.

Did you get to quit your ‘day job’ and become an author, or do you have a ‘day job’ and writing is something you do for fun?

I started writing for fun while I was in convalescence. I never expected it would turn into a passionate full-time affair. Good thing I have a supportive hubby to pay the bills.

What has been the strangest thing a reader has asked you?

If my shower scenes are based from experience LOL

Is their any movie you have seen that was based on a novel, which you think lived up to the novel?? What made it live up to the novel?

I have to say the Harry Potter Series. I love the books, but when I learned they were making them into movies, I was skeptical. The world that J.K. Rowling had created was so amazing, so multi-dimensional, that I couldn’t see how they could re-create it on the screen, but when I watched, it was as I had imagined it in my mind. I’m glad they proved me wrong.

If you could step into the shoes of your protagonist for one day, would you? What would you like to experience or see during that day?

For one day, I would trade place with Riley in Unscripted. She’s a scriptwriter on a popular television show, and she lives on a ranch in the shadow of the Rocky Mountains. I’d love to watch a scene I wrote being shot on a set, and I’d love to go horse-riding in the mountains.

Did you have any teacher(s) in high school or college that encouraged you to write? Did you take their advice?

In school, I was a math and science girl, and I didn’t start writing until later in life. My family and friends are the ones who encouraged me to write, and over the years, they provided the support I needed to keep writing.

What type of ice cream could I find you eating on a hot summer day?

Soft chocolate ice cream dipped in dark chocolate.

If we snuck a peek in your purse right now, what would we find?

Passport (I got back from vacations less than 48 hoyrs ago). Boarding passes. Lots of receipts. Wallet. Keys. Sunglasses. Pens. Memory stick. Cell phone. IPod. And an Epipen… I need to empty that purse.

We all have our little ‘things’ when it comes to reading or writing; is their anything that bugs you when you read a novel?

Loose ends or ambiguous ends. I don’t like to be left guessing. I remember reading a book in which the woman had to choose between two men. It ended with “she left with him”, except it wasn’t clear which man was the HIM. My friends and I had lengthy discussions about the woman’s choice and we could never ascertain his identity.

In 4 words, describe yourself.

I enjoy simple pleasures.

Is their anything else you would like to share or say to those who will read this?

I published two books so far this year: Unscripted (Duty Bound Book One) and Unearthed (Duty Bound Book Two). They are available on Amazon, Kobo, and many other online sites.

Salvaged is coming soon. And I’m working on Untamed (Duty Bound Book Three).

For more information, please visit my website at

Or my publisher’s website at

I enjoy chatting with readers, so feel free to contact me. I will answer you.

Stephanie, thank you for inviting me. It was a pleasure to be here today!


J.S. Marlo

Book Review ~ “Unscripted” by J.S. Marlo

**Disclaimer** I was given a copy in exchange for my review.
This novel captured my attention and made me want to keep reading, despite the late hour. With all the twists and turns in this novel it kept me on my toes. I would look at the page number and be shocked I was less than half way through with the amount of action that had taken place already.
‘Unscripted’ was such a wonderful read, I kept tissues nearby, as a few points I was close to needing them. Hux is a sexy actor whose wife is in a coma from a gun shot and Riley is a contest writer who lost her first husband and is married to Oliver a fire investigator. Taking place in Canada, they meet when Riley wins a script writing contest. Their lives become intertwined as Riley and Hux develop a close friendship; and learn to lean on each other as someone plots against them and their lives are thrown into chaos and they find out just how much they need each other.
J.S. Marlo, takes her reader through a gambit of emotions and leaves them wanting more and to help solve the mysteries that are expertly woven throughout this novel.
This novel was worth the late nights reading and definitely a novel I will be rereading.
~*~ Side note – Thank you to J.S. Marlo, for being so understanding as it took me longer to read her wonderful novel than the time frame that was requested.


Current (only 10) TBR books

It’s a Sunday so I’m gonna keep things light today, my TBR list is sooooo long that I thought I would share, maybe some of my followers and friends have read these and share some suggestions; To be fair, I’m just going to list them as they are in my closet (I keep ones that are in a series and some of my favs there, I like books a heck of a LOT more than shoes 🙂 ) Most are on my iPhone so I always have them around and they are begging me to read them; Kindle and Nook are constantly reminding me that new books are out and to be a good bookworm, I take a ‘peek’ and end up downloading more novels; don’t you just hate when that happens. 🙂

Side Note ~ I read paperbacks while in the tub and my iPhone (usually) when I’m baking or just reading causally; I’m scared of dropping my phone in the tub, so paperbacks are a better bet and when I’m baking it’s easier to leave my app open and switch batches in the oven then come back.



“The Husband Hunt’ by Lynsay Sands ~ 3rd novel in her trilogy about the Madison sisters, this one is about Lisa the youngest. This novel follows “The Countess’ and “The Heiress”.

“The Devil’s Colony” by James Rollins ~ This is in his current series, I don’t know where it falls as far as in the order, but it’s staring at me and I can alsmost hear it say “read me Stephanie, you know you want too”.

“The Viking’s Touch” by Joanna Fulford ~ It’s in my nightstand drawer so it must therefore be read so it can be put into my craftroom. Vikings are always hot, I’ll take a chance on a new author.

“Beauty and the Feast” by J.R. Barrett ~ On my Kindle, so it must have gotten my attention for some reason, the cover is intriguing. Men. Food. I might need chocolate when I read this one.

“Bound by Blood” by Tara Manderino ~ I started this one and so far I’m intrigued, I must have stopped to read a current book out and it lost it’s place in my TBR, that will change.

“Honor Bound” by Brenda Novak ~ I read one of her other novels and have a few of her short stories, so I’ll take a chance of this one, sometimes you luck out and discover a new author that way.

“A Scarlet Bride” by Slyvia McDaniel ~ This is about revenge and a woman getting her good name back after being accused of being an adultress. Revenge is best served with being happy.

“Secret Bodyguard” by Lori Crawford ~ A woman bogyguarding a spoiled rich guy?! Hmmmm Definitely worth a read.

“Taken By the Cowboy” by Julianne MacLean ~ I loved her Highlander Trilogy, this one sounds just as steamy.

Author Interview ~ Jessica Scott

I was first introduced to Jessica Scott on ; I saw her give way for her first novel, “Because of You”, I was one of the winners of a signed copy; I received it on Valentine’s Day of this year and stared to read it immediately. Jessica was sweet enough to write a personal note inside. Her writing was so compelling and heart touching that I had to keep tissues with me when I read it, I think my husband got a bit jealous since I told people about Jessica’s book on V-Day almost as much as his present (a warm vest with his work’s logo on it). Jessica’s experience with being in the military give her novel an authentic quality that brings her readers into her world and shows a new side of our fighting men and women that others may not see or know about. “Because of You’ was the first novel I have read that was a ‘military’ novel for lack of a better term, I was plesantly surprised. Please enjoy my interview with Jessica and congratulations to her, her newest novel will be out in early October.


Please tell me about your current novel. What or who inspired you to write it?


My next book is UNTIL THERE WAS YOU (which comes out Oct 8) and it was inspired while I was in Basic Officer Basic Course and I had a couple of friends who were just at each other’s throats the whole time. They were the inspiration for Evan & Claire, two army captains who have to cross their ideas of what being an office means.


What has been the toughest criticism given to you as an author? What was the biggest complement? Did those change how or what you did in your next novel?


The toughest part of being an author is to keep going when there are so so many out there. I’d been writing for 5 years before I sold and we’re talking hundreds of nos. Keeping going is by far the toughest part of being an author.


The best compliment was when a reader told me they could not stop thinking about my book days later. That was just the best.


This or That ? Chocolate or Vanilla?? Coffee or Tea?? TV or Movies??


Chocolate, Coffee, Movies.


When you sit down to write, are you at a computer or do you do it, the “old fashioned” way with pen and paper? Do you prefer one way or another?


I’m all automated! Computer, iPad. But then again, now that you’ve got me thinking about it, I do use pen and paper to brainstorm and take notes. I haven’t gotten away from that tactile need, I guess, after all.


What do you look for in a book when you sit down to read for fun?


Make me care. Make me not able to stop reading. If I can’t stop thinking about your character or the hook and I have to go back to finish. That’s what I want to read.


When you walk into a book store, where do you head first?


The coffee shop, followed by the romance section. I love seeing my friends? books in the wild!


Did you get to quit your “day job” and become an author, or do you have a “day job” and writing is something you do for fun?


I’m not quitting my day job any time soon. I love being a soldier and I plan on doing it as long as the army will let me or as long as it stays fun.


What has been the strangest thing a reader has asked you?


I have the best readers. Honestly, no one has asked me anything bizarre!


What is your favorite junk food vice?

Ice cream. Maybe Godiva Chocolates.


If we snuck a peek in your purse right now, what would we find?


10-15 lip glosses, 15-20 pens, old receipts not organized, a check book that may or may not have checks in it. And cracker crumbs from my lovely children.


We all have our little “things” when it comes to reading or writing; is their anything that bugs you when you read a novel?


I‘ll let one eye rolling moment pass. More than one and I’m probably going to stop reading.


In 4 words, describe yourself.


Energetic, obsessive, distractible, impatient.


Is there anything else you would like to share or say to those who will read this?

I’m fortunate to have the best job in the world: two jobs I’m truly passionate about. I love being a soldier and I love writing about soldiers.

Book Review ~ “Because of You” by Jessica Scott

**Disclaimer** I won a free signed copy of ‘Because of You’ from Jessica Scott in a goodreads giveaway.
This book has to be on my top 20 books. The characters, Jen & Shane are not like any other characters I have ever encountered in all my years of reading. They are VERY realistic and they face challenges that many are facing today. I haven’t read any other ‘military’ based novels before, yet, as I read this novel I was captivated by Jessica’s writing and story telling.
Knowing that Jessica is/was in the military shines through as she tells this modern romance between two people who basically start out as strangers and end up helping each other heal. Shane and Jen both have scars, some physical and some deeper.
While reading this novel I was drawn into the realities of what military families have to endure as their loved ones go off to war for months or even years, then come back some times in pieces. ‘Because of You’ takes the reader on an emotional journey as you watch Shane and Jen grow together and face their own demons.
As I read this novel, I started to put myself in the character’s shoes; Jen faces what so many other women have and are going through, just as Shane faces what many many men and women face everyday. Both characters are very likable and you cheer for them and feel for them as you get to know them.
Would I read it again, definitely. It’s a MUST read for anyone who likes characters that are NOT perfect and are very realistic. You can picture this novel as a biography or a glimpse into the lives of two friends.

Update from Yesterday..

Thank you to those who kept my grandmother in their prayers and thoughts yesterday. She came out of surgery fine 🙂 She had to spend the night in the hospital and is suppose to be released sometime today. My grandfather was restless yesterday and everyone did what they could to keep him calm. I have not gotten any more infor this morning than what I got last night saying she was doing well and asked for her teeth first thing, lol. She is a strong woman, like all the women in my family are. Thank you again for those who have kept her and my family in their thoughts and prayers, it means a lot to me and to my family.

I know I am a little sappy today, sorry…. My sister and I spent a lot of time while we were growing up with our grandparents {my mom’s parents} , so if I get a bit sappy, please just bear with me. 

Asking for prayers today

I’m asking all of my friends, readers and followers to pray for my grandmother today, she is undergoing surgery this morning. She’s been in a couple hours and everything is so far so good. She has about five more hours left in surgery to go for cancer in her throat.

Our family believes in the power of prayer so I would just like my those who read this today to keep my grandmother in their prayers; she turns 81 next month and she and my grandfather celebrated their 61st wedding anniversary in June.

Book Review ~ “Go No Sen” by Jacques Antione

**Disclaimer** ARR review. I received a copy of this book in exchange for a review.
This novel is not what I expected. It had a slow start, but once you got past the first few chapters which set up the rest of the book, it went well. I am impressed with the author’s attention to detail when talking about the various martial arts that our heroine, Emily Kane has been trained in.
Emily is not your typical high school senior; she is a tomboy, she is a master of Kung Fu, Shotokan and aikido; she also kicks some serious butt!!
Emily’s father, George Kane, is a bodyguard/chauffeur. George taught Emily to be able to survive, not only in the mountains and that surround when they live in the Carolina’s, but also in life.
As the story progresses Emily has to deal with the information that her father tells her after their narrow escape from a group of commandos; after escaping and losing her father, she is back to school the next week. How many teenagers would have the courage to do that, let alone adults when faced with incredible odds.
Emily grows through the novel, she learns to trust her instincts more and to lean on her friends all while thwarting the attempts on her life and putting a few egomaniacs in their place along the way.
This is just the first novel of a series. I enjoyed reading about Emily and watching her grow as a young lady who finds and makes her own way.

Happy 12th birthday to my son

Happy birthday to my 12-year-old.

12 years ago about right now I gave birth to a 9 pound baby boy, I almost died bringing you in this world; heaven knows you were worth it.

For almost 8 years it was just the two of us, then four years ago we met a man who I would marry you would call dad. You and I have had our ups and downs are good times and bad through all of that I am a very proud mama. For the last few years you have read at a 12th grade level or above, that has to be one of my greatest accomplishments with you, is that you love to read and as much as you like your video games you will pick up a book just as easy and even ask to read more or even some of mine.

Introducing you to go to a love of reading has been one of my greatest pleasures and experiences as a mother. I read to you as I was carrying you all nine and a half months, I read to you as an infant as I held you in my arms. I have watched you read novels that most adults would not touch and I have watched you out read your fellow classmates and keep wanting to read even more you have surpassed any and all reading expectations and were even offered a chance to go into an advanced English class for seventh grade; since the small school district we are in does not have an advanced English class for you, maybe you will get to go into the advanced English class once you reach high school and a couple of years.

I am very proud of you and the young man you are becoming today I wanted to share this here with all of my friends who enjoy reading almost as much as you do.

I love you big guy.

Love, Mom

Book Review ~ “Decontamination” by Gail Seymour

**Disclaimer I received a copy of Decontamination in exchange for an honest review.

The opening of the book had me hooked. I was thrown into a world where you might be running for your life one moment and hiding from someone unknown the next. Once I got past the British vernacular, I enjoyed the novel for the most part.

Some places were a bit long for my tastes, as their was not as much dialogue as I had hoped and those areas of the novel were not my favorites, yet I persevered. Some of the science was lost on me as were the locations. Perhaps if I had spent more time in the UK or in a science class, I would have been able to enjoy this novel a bit more.

‘Decontamination’ was a great read as far as the suspense factor and keeping the reader looking in several directions, namely over heir shoulder for the next murder or explosion.
Overall, I would give this novel 3 ½ stars.

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